Thursday, August 19, 2010

HNT-Red Hotness

Yes, we have been bad bloggers.
Yes, we have been neglecting out followers.
Yes, we have been letting our busy lives get the best of us.

We received a very nice comment this morning in which an Anonymous reader said they missed us...awwww! Everything is fine by the way, we just sort of had a dry spell with all this MFM business and didn't feel like boring you all with the mundane details of going to work and grocery shopping, etc., etc. Hubby and I did in fact have several conversations the last few days about how other people go about this lifestyle. How do they sneakily find other kinky people to play with? How do you balance work and this sort of play? I guess we are sinking our own boat since we want something so specific. We do not want a fly by night, Craigslist adventure (not that we condemn those who do, it's just not for us). We want to do this with someone that I, Wifey, has a at least a little bit of an emotional connection with but fear leading another man on. What happens afterwards? Is it awkward? Okay, I'll stop, but this is seriously a peek into the neurosis of Wifey...sigh!

In order to apologize for our absence, we present you with a little HNT love. Enjoy!


  1. I is realy to bad you don't live closer to me
    :(, I think you, hubby and me would make things fit just right.

    Great photo by the way, you are so sexy

  2. WOW! I got mention in your blog! I'm honored. I'm just glad to hear everything is okay. I really have enjoyed your blog and hope to continue reading more of your insights. This can be a pretty emotional journey you're embarking on and it really is wonderful to hear both of your perspectives.

    I love your blog!

  3. Your quote
    "We want to do this with someone that I, Wifey, has a at least a little bit of an emotional connection with but fear leading another man on. What happens afterwards? Is it awkward? Okay, I'll stop, but this is seriously a peek into the neurosis of Wifey...sigh!"

    I think you should continue this thought and blog about the answers to your questions. It will provide valuable insight to other people.

    I look forward to the response.

    - Cheers
